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On the 20th anniversary of the founding of the University "Our Lady of Good Counsel", in 2024, this Garden which joins the international network "Gariwo" of Milan (Gardens of the Righteous Worldwide) was created.

The memory of Good is a powerful educational tool and serves to prevent genocides and crimes against Humanity. In this regard, in 2012 the European Parliament established March 6 as the Day of the Righteous, to spread the values of responsibility, tolerance and solidarity. The concept of Righteous includes those in every part of the world who have saved human lives in all genocides, defended human dignity during totalitarianism and demonstrated dedication to the common good even at the risk of their own lives.

The Garden of the Righteous of our Foundation in Tirana is characterized by the choice to engrave the name of the Righteous on stones from various caves of Albania, signifying the exemplary strength and permanent beauty of the testimony.

This place thus becomes a space for meeting and discussion in which memory becomes generative of the future.

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