
Graduation in Business Administration and the Master of Economics and Management courses

Some of our students were graduated in Business Administration and the Master of Economics and Management courses. Good luck in completing the full degree cycle for Angjelo Guli, Anton Ndokaj, Lorela Tusha, Klevis Dedaj and Alesja Jaku.

Some of our students were graduated in Business Administration and the Master of Economics and Management courses. Good luck in completing the full degree cycle for Angjelo Guli, Anton Ndokaj, Lorela Tusha, Klevis Dedaj and Alesja Jaku. All students passed successfully the educational challenge at UKZKM, joining the large number of graduates in this academic year. Amidst emotions, the graduates shared their first success with the teachers of the Economics Study Course, with their families and friends. The Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" was the right choice for these young people.

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