
The Foundation Our Lady of Good Counsel celebrates its anniversary at the University Campus

Every year during April the Foundation Our Lady of Good Counsel celebrates its anniversary at the University Campus. The welcome and the greetings were adressed by the President of the Foundation, fr. Ruggero Valentini, who thanked all the student, friends, medical collaborators and the staff of the Catholic Hospital for being part of this event. The afternoon opened with the Eucharistic celebration by the Archbishop of Tirana and Durres Monsignor Arjan Dodaj.

Every year during April the Foundation Our Lady of Good Counsel celebrates its anniversary at the University Campus. The welcome and the greetings were adressed by the President of the Foundation, fr. Ruggero Valentini, who thanked all the student, friends, medical collaborators and the staff of the Catholic Hospital for being part of this event. The afternoon opened with the Eucharistic celebration by the Archbishop of Tirana and Durres Monsignor Arjan Dodaj.

Afterward, dozens of students received scholarships with congratulations from the entire academic staff of the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel".

Part of the festive ceremonies was also the inauguration of the "King Solomon's Ring" athletics track, which represents an inovation for the university structures in Albania. Under the best sounds of contemporary music, the participants enjoyed the festive evening.

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