Conference CRISU - 11 october 2023

The international conference of the Center for Research in Human Sciences (CRISU) was held in Tirana on 11 October 2023, at the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, organized by Prof. Mauro Bisceglia, Member of CRISU, Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” and University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, entitled, Economy and Finance, with a human face: new challenges for Albania Read more: conference crisu - 11 october 2023...

13th ELTA Albania International Conference - Adjusting to New Realities in Education and Exploring New Ways of Teaching and Learning

CRISU, Research Centre in Human Sciences, part of the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” in collaboration with the English Language Teaching Association ELTA Albania, TESOL International, and IATEFL organizes the 13th ELTA Albania International Conference in the field of education titled: “Adjusting to New Realities in Education and Exploring New Ways of Teaching and Learning” Read more: 13th elta albania international conference - adju...

"L'essere in aula: parliamone insieme"

Breve nota di sintesi sul seminario. Si è svolto, nell’aula B101 dell’Università Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio, nell’ambito dei Seminari Interdisciplinari UCNSBC del mercoledì, il seminario, indetto dal CRISU, dal tema . *L’essere in aula: parliamone insieme*. Hanno discusso, seduti in cerchio, relatori e studenti. Read more: "l'essere in aula: parliamone insieme"...

International Student Exchange Week - Student Experiences

Some moments during an exchange activity as part of the International Students Exchange Week with the theme "Economy and Finance through Adriatic", between the students of Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" and their colleagues of University of Bari "Aldo Moro". Read more: international student exchange week - student expe...

International Student Exchange Week

Il Prof. Mauro Bisceglia, nell’ambito delle attività del Centro di Ricerche in Scienze Umane (CRISU), organizza nella settimana dal 06 al 12 dicembre 2022 un’attività di scambio tra Studenti dell’Università Cattolica Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio e Studenti dell’Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro. Tale attività in linea con i principi e gli obiettivi del CRISU, converge con quanto previsto nell’accordo di cooperazione tra le due Università. Il tema dello scambio è: "Economia e Finanza tramite l’Adriatico" Read more: international student exchange week...